Food and Drink Sweat
Sweating after eating
Hot drinks and hot or spicy foods can cause sweating after eating –also known as gustatory sweating. They raise your internal temperature, activating your body’s cooling mechanism. Spicy food and hot drinks before bed can cause excessive sweating after eating and/or night sweats. Caffeine stimulates your sweat glands and alcohol widens the blood vessels in your skin, which can also make you sweat more.
Sweating when eating can be a problem for some people – all foods or just thinking about food can make them sweat. This can be linked to a malfunction in saliva production. Nerves that cause us to salivate get confused with nerves in our sweat glands, so we sweat instead of producing saliva. If you’re concerned about gustatory sweating, speak to your doctor or a professional medical adviser.
Food and body odor
Body odor can be caused by some foods. Onions, garlic, spicy foods and dairy products can all cause your sweat to smell. Overconsumption of alcohol can also make your sweat smell.
Alcohol sweats
Alcohol causes our body temperature to rise by increasing our blood flow and sugar level, so we sweat more to compensate. The body also views alcohol as a toxin, so it works harder to get rid of it via our liver, but also through urine and sweat.
Excessive sweating at night can be caused by alcohol.
How can I stop alcohol sweats or sweating when eating?
- Avoid trigger foods – like very hot or spicy food.
- Cut down on alcohol consumption.
- Stay hydrated at all times – especially during and after alcohol consumption.
- If you’re concerned about how much you sweat when you eat or drink, then speak to your doctor.