A women in discomfort laying in a white bed with her hand on her head

Sweating and the menopause

When you talk about menopause, the words ‘hot flushes’ usually aren’t far behind.

These sudden increases in body temperature are very common. But so are cold sweats, night sweats and excessive sweating. And given that symptoms can last from just a few months to several years, for some women, (yes, really) menopause sweats can end up having a huge impact on everyday life.

Mature women standing in a natural setting holding a piece of grass in her hands

What are hot flushes?

They’re caused by changes in your estrogen levels, the hormone that affects your body’s ability to regulate temperature.

A ‘flush’ itself can last anything from 30 seconds to 30 minutes. And around 70% of women will experience them during menopause.

But don’t worry, we’ve got some handy tips to help you deal with them.

A ‘flush’ itself can last anything from 30 seconds to 30 minutes.
woman at the beach staring out at the water
waves crashing on the sand at the beach

How to reduce sweating during menopause

Here are some things you can do to reduce the impact of hot flushes and menopause sweating.

Wash or shower regularly

More than once a day, if it makes you feel more comfortable.

Use an anti-perspirant every day

If you’re sweating a lot and concerned about body odor, try using a stronger product like Degree Advanced Protection.

Wear loose-fitting clothes

And go for natural fibers that breathe, like cotton underwear.

Stay away from alcohol, caffeine, spicy food and smoking

These can all trigger a hot flush.

Keep moving

Staying fit and exercising has been shown to help keep hot flushes at bay.

Watch your weight

The heavier you are, the more likely you are to get hot flushes.

Stay hydrated

Always carry a bottle of water with you, to keep cool and hydrated.

Keep your bedroom cool

Especially if you’re experiencing night sweats. Always leave a window open, and switching to lighter fabrics for your nightwear and bedclothes can help too.

If you’ve got concerns about menopause sweating, talk to your doctor about your symptoms. They’ll be able to discuss medicines and alternative therapies that could help you.

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